Welcome Educators!
Thanks for your interest in the Silicon Valley Power Energy Education Program. The program is designed to supplement your current classroom curriculum. It is available to 4th and 10th grade students attending schools within the city of Santa Clara.
Program Goals:
- To provide teachers with energy education content that supports the California Department of Education Content Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and enriches your current curriculum at no cost
- To educate youth about the importance of energy in their communities
- To provide families the opportunity to save energy
This program is funded by Silicon Valley Power and provided to select educators at NO COST.
Program Details:
- Sponsored by Silicon Valley Power and provided at no cost!
- Available to 4th and 10th grade classrooms within the City of Santa Clara.
- Supports California Department of Education content standards for math and language arts, as well as Next Generation Science Standards.
- Integrates distance learning and digital delivery options.
- Teachers can earn a $50 grant for school or classroom use.
- Seven 30 – 45 minute lessons designed by classroom teachers for easy integration into current curriculum with minimum prep.
- Two -minute, on-demand video teaching tutorials, as well as a downloadable slide deck for each lesson.
- Secure, online web app for teachers and participants to find resources, complete lessons and track progress videos, downloadable classroom presentations for each lesson, contests and much more etc.
- Lessons can be taught at your own pace. Teach throughout a semester or a week at a time, it’s up to you.
Now is the time to enroll. Reserve your spot today and have your supplies delivered any time during this school year. Materials are available on a first come, first-served basis. There is no cost to you. All we ask is that you use the lessons provided and encourage your students to complete the online questionnaire.
Click the button below to register.