Energy Education

Parent Portal


We are pleased your child’s class is participating in the energy education program brought to you by Burbank Water and Power!

The energy education program:

  • aligns with your student’s science and social studies classes;
  • teaches students about energy in our community; and
  • helps students understand why and how to use energy responsibly.

As part of this program, your student will receive a take-home Energy Efficiency Kit with tools to practice saving energy at home.

To support learning with this program, would you please help your student by:

  • Encouraging your child to use the kit items to complete the assigned activities.
  • Making sure your child records the kit activities in the online app.
  • Encouraging your child to practice saving energy at home.
  • Supporting your child if they choose to participate in the student video contest to share what they learned.

By supporting your student in completing the kit activities, you can also help their teacher earn a mini-grant for much-needed classroom supplies.

Not every school or family has this opportunity, so please help support your student’s class in participating in this program. Thank you very much!